Welcome To
Nae Sinnah-Yovonie
To book a successful tarot reading or loc hair maintenance service with me, please follow these steps:
1. **Email me** at:
to inquire and set a date and time for the services you desire. Include your name, a valid email address, and a contact number.
2. **Once you receive confirmation of availability,** visit the website:
to complete your payment.
3. **Once payment has been received**, I will follow up with you to confirm and provide the services you paid for.
Thank you for the opportunity to connect with you. I truly appreciate the positivity and light that you bring.
Paleo Hebrew Alphabet cards present overlooked historical oracle knowledge. The messages conveyed will either confirm or provide additional signs from God, Source, Spirit, or the Universe to affirm the context of the reading.
A Full-Spread Reading consists of the following:
Subject, Energy, Conscious, Subconscious, Past, Future, Attitude, Environment, Hopes, Dreams, and/or Fears and a Final Outcome.
Mood cards capture the essence of what the spirit conveys during a reading. I wanted to create a tarot deck that brings joy and laughter to people, so I thought, "Why not use cartoons?" The humor can vary, ranging from light-hearted to dark, depending on the context of the reading.
Embrace The Beauty Of Loc Styles And Services.
Celebrate the freedom of being your authentic self without the need for heat to achieve your desired look. If you're seeking a retwist and style, I invite you to email me at naesinnahyovonie@gmail.com. I am excited to explore, share, and offer my additional talents to bless and empower others.
Thank you all in advance for your support.
Explore the array of offered products and embark on a journey of inspiration with the wisdom of Tarot, the depth of the Paleo Hebrew Alphabet, the expressiveness of Mood Cards, and the beauty of Loc Styles and Services.
My name is Nae, and I started my spiritual journey in 2020 after my parents passed away. Since childhood, I've always had dreams, spiritual insights, and experiences with paranormal activity which continued into my adult years. I was raised in the church but later followed a non-denominational path based strictly on the Bible. From there, I chose to expand my knowledge. My father is from Sierra Leone, West Africa, and my mother is from the United States of America. This has taught me to acknowledge and respect all spiritual beliefs, regardless of a person's ethnicity. I not only help adults, but I also assist the youth. While allowing me to be a blessing to you, consider me a messenger who can help with the unknown and guide you toward a brighter future while you bless me.